HAWT Designs ™
Dear members,
Just a quick note that we will be closing the board back down, this is only TEMPORARY. Several of our designers currently have things going on, once life settles back down for all of us, we will be reopening the board! I will be leaving our pick-up section open, and we will continue to fill the requests currently left sitting. In the meantime, please feel free to visit our amazing sister site at www.sweetlyirresistible.net. If you are a designer and interested in joining our team, please PM Nikki with your current designs! We are always looking for designers and dits!

Hawt staff
HAWT Designs ™
Dear members,
Just a quick note that we will be closing the board back down, this is only TEMPORARY. Several of our designers currently have things going on, once life settles back down for all of us, we will be reopening the board! I will be leaving our pick-up section open, and we will continue to fill the requests currently left sitting. In the meantime, please feel free to visit our amazing sister site at www.sweetlyirresistible.net. If you are a designer and interested in joining our team, please PM Nikki with your current designs! We are always looking for designers and dits!

Hawt staff

HAWT Designs ™

Creations beyond imagination.
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